Sara Cockroft
Link Tutor
Sara is a Deputy Headteacher in one of the SCITT’s partner schools and has mentored student teachers and NQTs for most of her career. She oversees teaching and learning in her current school and has also been responsible for managing the curriculum as whole, as well as a range of subjects such as English, Maths, French and PE. Alongside this, Sara has experience as an associate lecturer for Leeds Beckett University.
Sara is perfectly placed to deliver the English training for our primary trainees – she is a very experienced English coordinator and has been a member of the KS2 writing moderation team for Calderdale. She was designated as a Specialist Leader in Education (SLE) with Teamworks in 2016 and since then has worked with a range of schools in Calderdale to provide support for English teaching and learning, including organising the sequence of lessons, teacher/coordinator subject knowledge, assessment of writing and teaching reading comprehension. As well as this, Sara is a link tutor for the SCITT and visits the trainees in their placement schools.